The Ears Have Walls | Über das Neue – Belvedere 21

Umsetzung als Teil von bb15 Team
Belvedere21 Wien
08.12.2023 – 14.01.2024

bb15 is pleased to be part of the exhibition series „Über das Neue“ at Belvedere 21 Museum in Vienna

The Ears Have Walls

bb15 collective uses the exhibition series “Über das Neue” to eavesdrop on the soundscape of the museum. The installation The Ears Have Walls is based on covert audio recordings that were made during all the openings of the exhibition series of 2023. The resulting sound installation unfolds like a sonic mirror, with the distant reverberating of past conversations and ambient noise. Be it as part of an opening speech, stand-alone voice fragments commenting on the art or a simple question about the buffet situation.

An echo chamber is made of walls and surfaces on which signals bounce and reflect. It is a sealed space dedicated to selective listening that amplifies and reinforces the original source. Good insulation is necessary to refrain conflicting perspectives that infiltrate and tarnish a curated vision of the world.

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